dilluns, 31 de maig del 2010


My name is Xavi Mujal and I have 15 years old. Now I am going to talk about the different activities that we did in the class.
My favourite activities were the recipe with my friends Toni and Adrià because we went to the ''forn Espelt '' and cooking the apple cake in the very big oven.The activity I didin't like was Christmas traditions because always I had done the same and him too much tired reaped evey year.
My oral activity I did it with Toni and Adrià and we are very happy with the town,Berga, because Berga is my favourite city and I live in it.
I read my notes because I was very nervous.
My blog, I think that is interesting because it's good to learn things about the other people and the people of Comenius.
I learnt in this year but for me is very difficult and I need help but I don't ask.
In conclusion, my English has improved this year because we have this activites. I reinforce the english languige and we learn different things in the year.


dilluns, 10 de maig del 2010

When I was a child

When I was a child I went to school in Sant Joan. My mothe worked in a hairdresser’s and my father worked in a garage. My grand-mothers and my grand-fathers were clever. My brother went to school with me.
When I was a child I started to ride a bike in front of my house. I made friends. I started to play a basketball team in Berga.
When I was a child I was very happy because I didn’t study for the exams and I didn’t do my homework.
When I was a child I lived in a flat but today I lived in a house.
I was happy when I was a child.